Sunday, August 5, 2012

Advertisements: A Comprehensive Study

Dear  Students
This document on Advertisements offer an exhaustive compilation of varied types of advertisements, used for personal and official purposes, with examples. Kindly refer to it while writing and practising assignments on Advertisements.


·        To persuade people to buy

a.    Must stand out and grab attention
b.    Must sustain attention – provide clear information, transmit message about the product’s utility, establish supremacy above other similar products
c.     Must utilize the limited ad space effectively
d.    Must convince the potential consumers to accept the message and buy
I.            Classified Advertisements:
                    i.        Appear in a particular section of the paper according to the type
                  ii.        Generally brief as the advertiser is billed by the word
                iii.        To make it brief- grammar is generally ignored, abbreviations and certain words peculiar to the product are used
                 iv.        Sometimes – no contact address given-  a P.O. box number is provided by newspapers to maintain secrecy

a.   Situations Vacant
b.  To – Let
c.   Property for Sale
d.  Sale of Vehicle
e.   Sale of Household goods/ equipments
f.    Services – Packers and Movers, Counseling, Training, Detectives
g.   Lost or Found
h.  Missing person or pet
i.    Matrimonial
j.    Travel and tours
k.  Appeal
l.    Pets and livestock
m.Educational institute
n.  Business proposal
 II.   Display/ Commercial Advertisements
                                    i.        Graphically designed
                                  ii.        Various shapes and sizes
                                iii.        Often with logos, photos, drawings, or borders
                                 iv.        An advertisement with a border or pictures will be a display advertisement, even if it is in the classified section
                                   v.        Found throughout the newspaper

                    i.        Local or retail – emphasizes on merchandize, products or services available at stores in the community
                  ii.        National – promote countrywide operations like a soap or a car
       Situations Vacant
                                    i.        Begin with ‘Wanted’ / ‘Required’
                                  ii.        Write the name of the organization
                                iii.        Indicate post, no. of vacancies
                                 iv.        Include essential qualifications, experience
                                   v.        Give preferences – age, sex of candidate, fresher/ experienced
                                 vi.        State pay scale, perks, opportunities for growth
                               vii.        Mention mode of applying – online, courier, personally
                             viii.        Inform about interview procedure
                                 ix.        Contact address and phone number of employer
To – Let
                            i.        Begin with ‘Wanted’ or ‘Available’
                          ii.        Indicate type of accommodation – flat/ bungalow/ villa
                        iii.        Describe – carpet area, porch, garage, store, garden, size of rooms, BHK, bathrooms
                         iv.        Indicate direction/ location – sun facing/ park facing, well lit, corner/ two sides open, proximity to market/ school, landmarks
                           v.        State type of construction – earthquake resistant, etc
                         vi.        Details of facilities - water/ electricity supply
                       vii.        Preference of tenants –bachelor/ small family/ company lease
                     viii.        Rent amount – negotiable/ fixed
                                      Property for sale
Kind of property (house/bungalow/flat/villa/cottage/ floor)
  If commercial, you can mention - 
                                    i.        Conference room
                                  ii.        Reception
                                iii.        Pantry
                                 iv.        Centralized AC
                                   v.        Server
                                 vi.        Computerized/web cam
                               vii.        Tiffin facilities
                             viii.        Video conferencing
                                 ix.        Proper flooring and wall-to-wall carpet
                                   x.        Plasma TG/Projector
Specify the location /area
                                    i.        Nearby market
                                  ii.        Recreational/sports club
                                iii.        Sun facing
                                 iv.        Based  on vaastu.
Facilities (toilet/kitchen/Balcony/ store room)
Area in sq. yards
Price expected
                                    i.        Negotiable
                                  ii.        Payment in 2/3 installments
·        Contact address / phone no
Sale of Vehicle
              Mention the
                    i.        Heading
                  ii.        Model/ year of manufacture
                iii.        Features/ accessories fitted
                 iv.        Mileage
                   v.        Kilometers done
                 vi.        Make
               vii.        Colour
             viii.        Condition
                 ix.        Ownership details
                   x.        Insurance details
                 xi.        Contact details
            Sale of household goods
                    i.        Name of the item
                  ii.        Brand/ model/ year of manufacture
                iii.        Condition
                 iv.        Contact address/ phone number
                    Detective services
                                            i.        Mention the name of agency
                                          ii.        Work timings and scope
                                        iii.        Services provided
                                         iv.        Qualification of detectives
                                           v.        Guarantee of anonymity
Packers and Movers
                            i.        Mention the name of the agency
                          ii.        Qualities that make them trustworthy
                        iii.        Scope of business dealings
                         iv.        Customer care facilities
Lost or Found
                                    i.        Begin with ‘Lost’ or ‘Found’
                                  ii.        Specify item
                                iii.        Brief physical description
                                 iv.        Where and when lost/ found
                                   v.        Reward – optional
                                 vi.        Contact number
Missing person or pet
                                            i.        Heading – ‘Missing’
                                          ii.        Physical description – Person (name, age, height, complexion, built, health, mental condition, identification marks, clothes); Pet (name, breed, colour, fur, identifying features)
                                        iii.        State missing since when, from where
                                         iv.        Reward, if any
                                           v.        Contact address and phone no.
                                            i.        Begin with ‘Wanted’ or ‘Required’
                                          ii.        Personal details – appearance, educational qualifications, family members and background
                                        iii.        Professional details
                                         iv.        Preferences in religion, etc.
                                           v.        Contact address and phone no.
   Travel and Tours

                                                    i.        Begin with the phrase – ‘Package Available’
                                                  ii.        Name of the travel agency
                                                iii.        Details of destination and duration
                                                 iv.        Details of the package – boarding, lodging
                                                   v.        Cost and discount
                                                 vi.        Contact address, phone number

                                            i.    Begin with ‘Appeal’ or ‘Help Required’
                                          ii.    Specify nature of appeal
                                        iii.    Brief description of the problem
                                         iv.    Specify the demand
                                           v.    Contact address and phone number
                    Pets and Livestock
                                            i.    Begin with the word ‘Sale’ or ‘Purchase’
                                          ii.    Specify animal, breed
                                        iii.    Mention pedigree, parentage
                                         iv.    Brief physical description
                                           v.    Details of vaccination
                                         vi.    Other details – training, qualities
                                       vii.    Price expected
                                     viii.    Contact address, phone number
Educational Institute
                                                    i.        Name of the institution
                                                  ii.        Courses, classes offered
                                                iii.        Eligibility criteria
                                                 iv.        Facilities
                                                   v.        Fee
                                                 vi.        Last date for registration
                                               vii.        Address/ contact details
Business proposal
                                                            i.        Name, nature of organization
                                                          ii.        Business it deals in
                                                        iii.        Requirements
                                                         iv.        Contact number
                         COMMERCIAL ADVERTISEMENTS
                                    i.        Put up by corporate or business house
                                  ii.        Eye catching, glamorous
                                iii.        Vary in shape and size
                                 iv.        No set format
                                   v.        Visually appealing – catchy headlines, slogans, punch lines, witty expressions and visuals
                                 vi.        Classified – formal language; commercial – informal
1.  Name and address of the advertising agency/ institution/ organizer
2.  Details of products/ service advertised
3.  Special attraction/ discounts
4.  Areas covered by these: educational institutes, consumer goods, product launch, etc.

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