Saturday, April 14, 2012

Syllabus: Class XI English Core

                   SUMMARY - CLASS XI CORE ENGLISH
Q1 and Q2 will be two unseen texts - one from prose and the other from poetry. The total length of these two texts will be around 600 words. Each of these extracts will be for 6 marks- five marks for local, global and inferential comprehension in the form of Multiple Choice Questions and one markfor vocabulary.
Q3 will have a prose passage of about 500 words and it will be used for note making (05 marks) and testing vocabulary (03 marks)

WRITING 20 Marks

4. One out of two short writing tasks based on personal response to a verbal stimulus in the form a narrative or a story.(100-150 words)                                                                                  05
5. One out of two compositions based on a visual and/or verbal input (in about 150-200 words). The output may be descriptive,reflective or argumentative in nature such as an article for publication in a newspaper or a school magazine, a speech or a report either from a 3rd person point of view or as recounting of an experience/incident in the writer's life.                                                     08

6. Writing

One out of two letters based on given input. Letter types include (a) letter to the editor (giving suggestions or opinions on an issue of public interest) or (b) letter to the school or colleges authorities, regarding admissions, school issues, requirements /suitability of courses etc.         07

GRAMMAR 10 Marks

Different grammatical structures in meaningful contexts will be tested. Item types will include gap-filling, sentence-reordering, dialogue-completion and sentence-transformation. The grammar syllabus includes determiners, tenses, clauses, modals and voice. These grammar areas will be tested using the following test types:

7. Error Correction 04
8. Editing Task 04
9. Reordering of sentences 02

Questions on the prescribed textbooks will test comprehension at different levels: literal, inferential and evaluative based on the following prescribed text books:
1. Hornbill : Text book, published by NCERT, New Delhi.
2. Snapshots : Supplementary Reader, published by NCERT, New Delhi.

Text Book 20 Marks
10. One out of two extracts based on poetry from the text to test 04 comprehension & appreciation using four multiple choice questions. (4)
11. Five out of six short answer questions on the lessons from poetry, prose and plays (at least 2 questions will be from poetry, 1 from playand the remaining from prose). (Upto 40 words)(2x5=10)
12. One out of two long answer type questions based on the prose text to test global comprehension and extrapolation beyond the set text /and across two texts (Expected word limit would be about 100-125 words) (2x3=6)

Supplementary Reader 20 Marks
13. One out of two long answer type questions based on Supplementary Reader to test comprehension of theme, character and incidents. (Upto 100 words) (04)
14. Two out of three short answer questions on Supplementary Reader (upto 30 words) (3x2=6)
15. One long answer on extrapolation beyond the text. (10 Marks)
Prescribed Books
1. Hornbill - Text book published by NCERT, New Delhi.
2. Snapshots - Supplementary Reader published by NCERT, New Delhi.

Conversation Skills 10 marks
(Listening + Speaking)
Conversation Skills will be tested both as part of Formative & Summative Assessment. Out of the 10 marks allotted for Conversation, 05 marks may be used for testing listening and 05 marks for testing speaking. The Conversation Skills Assessment Scale may be used for evaluation.

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